On July 28, 2022 we will experience a Leo New Moon. New Moons are wonderful times to set intentions and begin short projects, depending on what part of your chart they activate. This new moon, although it happens in the creative, fun-loving, sunny sign of Leo is all that, and much more complex. It leads us right into a very usual and infrequent alignment. On August 1st the planet Mars will conjunct Uranus and the Moon’s north node, all in the sign of Taurus. The last time this happened was 1855.

Both Mars and Uranus are activators, Mars loves all forms of action, and is associated with wars and violence, while Uranus fights for reform and breaking out of old, outworn systems and ways of thinking. Together they suggest that personally we will be feeling excited and ready to make changes particularly related to personal finances, self-love, and issues of security, all ruled by Taurus. This combination can be impulsive, but seeks freedom from old outdated patterns of behavior. If you’ve been looking for clarity and inspiration about your possessions or your budget this is the time to start making change. On the other hand, if you’ve been sitting on some unexpressed frustration, you could find yourself extremely angry. Collectively this combination suggests earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and more heat related problems, along with even more gun violence.

The North Node symbolizes a similar type of new energy, where we swim against the current in order to evolve and become a better version of ourselves. This astrological threesome is a call to action to create positive change depending on where it falls in your chart. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with all of the collective problems we face, and there are more than ever, pick one action you can take whether internal or external, and make it happen. Follow your instincts and take a risk. Find like-minded souls to join you in making change. Uranus is famous for collective rebellions and Mars advocates tirelessly for change, while the Moon’s North Node calls us toward self-improvement. Think of this next month as a giant “reset” button for the areas of your life that need change, and understand the same thing is happening in the collective as well.


Wondering what your chart says about where to make your positive change? A Yearly Forecast is a good place to start. Click here to find out more.