January Updates and Upcoming Classes

Hello everyone, I’ve been wondering how to write about the planetary events of 2025 because there is a huge change afoot, but I’m struggling to find clarity about how these cumulative changes will manifest. Usually if one of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, or...


Falling on the day after Halloween, November 1, 2025, we experience the new moon in Scorpio, one of the most mysterious and misunderstood signs of the zodiac. As winter comes to the northern hemisphere and the ground is littered in leaves, Scorpio teaches us lessons...

Libra New Moon 2024

It’s eclipse season right now and that means life feels extra intense through the end of October.  On October 2nd there will be a new moon Solar eclipse at ten degrees of Libra. In the weeks preceding, and following a Solar Eclipse, there is a noticeable shift in...

Virgo New Moon

By the time of the New Moon on September 2nd, Mercury will have completed its retrograde period on August 28, and by September 13 moved out of the retrograde shadow, making for greater ease with communication, technology, scheduling, and travels. This Virgo New Moon...