New Moon Eclipse: March 29, 2025

The heavens are exceptionally active right now as we move into the new moon eclipse at the 9th degree of Aries on March 29th along with two outer planets changing signs. Even though we can feel a solar eclipse up to three months before it occurs, often something...

March 2025 Newsletter

It’s eclipse season and that means that life is about to become even more surprising, chaotic and exposing of our collective shadow. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? Starting with the full moon Lunar eclipse on March 14 in Pisces and Virgo and continuing through the Aries...

Leo Full Moon

The Leo Full Moon occurs on February 12, 2025, and brings with it a close encounter with the planet Uranus, which forms a potent T Square to both the Sun and Moon. The impact of this alignment will be felt on February 11th, 12th and a few days beyond. Uranus is a...

January Updates and Upcoming Classes

Hello everyone, I’ve been wondering how to write about the planetary events of 2025 because there is a huge change afoot, but I’m struggling to find clarity about how these cumulative changes will manifest. Usually if one of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, or...