Hello everyone,

I’ve been wondering how to write about the planetary events of 2025 because there is a huge change afoot, but I’m struggling to find clarity about how these cumulative changes will manifest. Usually if one of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto changes signs it’s a big deal. Roughly, it symbolizes the beginning of a new era in relation to that planet. For example, when Uranus went onto Taurus in May of 2018 astrologers expected some innovations with economics. Bitcoin became popular in late 2017 and an expansion in cryptocurrency followed.

Now let me introduce the line-up of outer planet changes for 2025: Saturn moves into Aries in May for the first time in 29 years, Uranus goes into Gemini in July for the first time in 84 years, Neptune goes into Aries in April for the first time in 165 years, and Pluto just moved into Aquarius in January 2024 for the first time in 248 years. Also, Neptune and Saturn are conjunct in May 2025 for the first time in 35 years.

When one planet changes signs, it’s notable, but when four change in the same time frame, we’re in for BIG changes. Add an outer planet conjunction and everything is amplified.

The thing that stands out about these changes is all the outer planets move from the elements of earth and water, into the elements of fire and air. Earth is grounded, pragmatic and materialistic, mixed with water it can nurture growth or create a muddy mess. Fire and air are compatible elements with fire representing passion, enthusiasm, creativity and action,which will combine with the air energy of curiosity, fairness and open-minded exchange of ideas. This suggests two primary possibilities; that air will feed the fire of creative solutions to some of our most pressing social, economic, and environmental problems, and air will feed the fire of anger, competition, and violence that currently exist.

Because Pluto is the slowest moving of all the planets, spending approximately 20 years in a sign, it seems these changes are the easiest to imagine. In my most optimistic moments I foresee Pluto in Aquarius breaking down the colonialist-based, hierarchical, capitalistic driven existence into a life that is more community based, egalitarian, and embracing of differences. (Remember we’re talking about 20 years.) On my worst days I worry about AI intruding into our lives and adding to the rampant misinformation and confusion that already exists.

When the big things in life seem so out of control, as they do now, I always think about focusing my energy on what matters. For me that is the study and development of what I hope becomes a new field of astrology, Death Charts. I’ve been working with Della, my protégé and oldest kid, on a new class offering that we will teach together beginning in February 2025.

Death Charts: An Astrological Approach to Reframing Loss:

As astrologers, we are used to working with clients as they face life’s difficulties. This class will bring you another set of tools to work with loss in general, and specifically death. Using charts of class members, we will study your natal chart for clues hinting of the loss, the death chart of someone you loved including the eclipses of the season, all with a focus on how to bring understanding, meaning, and perspective to your loss.

  • We ask that you are fluent in understanding natal charts and transits.
  • Class will meet weekly from February 12 through March 19th. Wednesdays at 8:30 pm GMT // 3:30pm ET // 2:30pm CT// 1:30pm MT // 12:30pm PT, for 2 hours
  • Class fee: Sliding scale $150-$450**  //  Limited to 6 participants
  • Contact: Moonrabbitastrology@gmail.com to register.

**For more information on how sliding scale prices work, check out Della’s by clicking here.