The Leo Full Moon occurs on February 12, 2025, and brings with it a close encounter with the planet Uranus, which forms a potent T Square to both the Sun and Moon. The impact of this alignment will be felt on February 11th, 12th and a few days beyond. Uranus is a difficult planet to “predict” since it’s associated with chaos, disruption and turmoil. On the other hand, Uranus transits can bring personal awakening and freedom. If you’re anything like me you’ve been all too aware of the acceleration of the chaos and disruption aspect of this energy since January 20th.

I’ve heard from so many of you about the stress you’re feeling, and this full moon suggests that all of us will feel the influence of Uranus, so I want to share a bit of how I’ve seen Uranus work in the lives of my clients and my own life. Let’s take the example of Sarah, (not her real name) born with her natal moon in Taurus in a square with her natal Venus. At the end of 2020 when Uranus made its first exact conjunction to her Moon, representing home and family, and squared her Venus, representing people she loved, her husband of 18 years she said, seemed to change drastically “out of the blue”. The pandemic caused Joe to lose his job, and he went from having a drink every night after dinner to suddenly drinking until he blacked out. After 15years of marriage, she found this shocking and frightening because he became erratic with their two young children. She took her children to live with her mother and after a few months they reconciled. In April of 2021 Uranus returned to transit her Moon again, and Joe, relapsed. Once again Sarah took her children to her mom’s but this time, she insisted that Joe attend AA meetings and work the program. She committed to going to Al-Anon. By the final pass on Uranus over her Moon in January 2022, Joe was committed to sobriety, they were in couples counseling and Sarah shared that they were closer than ever. Over the two-year period, she had learned important lessons about her own co-dependence and her own strength.

In my own life Uranus opposed my Sun, ruler of the primary relationships part of my chart when my twin was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2005. After five exceedingly chaotic months of treatment, initially with the wrong chemotherapy she died five months later. My world was shattered. The person who was my best friend, knew me inside and out, shared every childhood memory, and felt like a part of me was gone. I began a long period of grief and recovery, learning that I was stronger than I knew and that I could stand on my own. As part of the loss, I began to study the chart of her death. It was there I found answers I was searching for and was able to more completely let her go and find acceptance. Now, almost 20 years later I offer death chart readings to clients and am teaching astrologers how to help those grieving a loss through the death chart.

As we move into this uncertain full moon, a time of increased and heightened emotions, it can help to remember to stay in the now, one of the most important lessons from Uranus, because the only true certainty about life is change.