The New Moon in Leo takes place on August 4th hours before Mercury turns retrograde. When a time for new beginnings intersects with potential miscommunications and misunderstandings it can lead to aggravation and dealing with many small problems, particularly since Mercury is in Virgo. Still, the first week of August brings creative inspiration and opportunities for more fun. Which brings me to another topic: Kamala Harris, who with her Sun in the 5th house, ruled by Leo, expresses this energy. I’ve been hearing from many of you about how enlivened and excited you are since Biden withdrew from the race and Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee for President. Me too! In response, I’ve been studying her chart and am predicting that she will be the next US President. This is based on her Solar Return chart for October 20, 2024, and an ancient system for prediction called profections.

Harris was born on October 20, 1964, at 9:28 pm in Oakland, California. She was born on an exact full moon with her Sun in Libra and her Moon in Aries. These are cardinal signs, associated with action and getting things done. The Libra Sun makes her able to see both side of an issue and pursue justice, while the Aries Moon loves a good battle. Her rising sign is Gemini, giving her a quick and agile mind, and she has the North node rising as well, an indication of a deeply purpose-driven life.

A Solar Return chart is when the Sun returns to the exact degree and minute of the zodiac when you were born. This sets up an energetic pattern for the coming year. Because the Sun is central in a Solar Return Chart, its house position describes what’s most important. For Vice President Harris, her Solar Return Sun falls in the 10th house of career, indicating a year where she experiences a rise in status and public recognition. Making a trine to Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and opportunities in her 6th house of work and health, supports the notion that she will be elected. Additionally, the Sun is conjunct Juno, the planet of partnership, and suggests that she will enjoy a close relationship with her running mate.

Some difficulties show up as the Sun is in a T- square to both Mars and Pluto, two of the most contentious, combative and undermining energies in the heavens.  The T-square further emphasizes a battle for the presidency, and it looks like the week to ten days after her birthday will be particularly contentious.

Profections are another tool used by astrologers to zero in on a particular house of your natal chart to see what themes will be prominent for any particular year of life. Harris will begin a 1st house profection year on her birthday, corresponding to a new identity and new beginnings. These 1st house years tend to be opportunist and expansive. In her most recent 1st house profection year, 2012, she raised her political profile when she addressed the Democratic National Convention to renominate Barack Obama for a second term.

I know this is good news, but we must each do our part to make this astrological potential a reality. Get involved, door knock, donate, and Please VOTE on November 5, 2024, or before!