It’s eclipse season right now and that means life feels extra intense through the end of October.  On October 2nd there will be a new moon Solar eclipse at ten degrees of Libra. In the weeks preceding, and following a Solar Eclipse, there is a noticeable shift in energy. We see more collective crises in the news (if that’s even possible) particularly with things that have been hidden being exposed, (note Mark Robinson and Sean Combs).  Many individuals are experiencing new beginnings and/or feeling emotionally vulnerable and out of sorts. Solar Eclipses align with the beginning energy of the new moon, and illuminate the darkness, by calling attention to those parts of our lives that need a change.

This Solar eclipse in Libra is part of a pair, the second one falling on March 29, 2025, at nine degrees of Aries. That means that people born March 29-April 3, June 29-July 3, September 29-October 3 and December 28-January 3 are most effected. If you know your chart and have personal planets between 7-13 degrees of a cardinal sign, then these eclipses are impacting you. The Aries Libra continuum speaks to the need to find balance between our own needs and the needs of others, and to create sustainable relationships where everyone counts.

The October 2nd new moon eclipse is focused on relationships, and both the Sun and Moon are traveling with Mercury, also in Libra, the planet of communication. Libra is the sign of justice and fairness, cooperation and collaboration. This new moon is particularly auspicious for making connections, starting new communication projects, and making time for those difficult conversations with people you love. Unfortunately, Mars, the warrior is in a square to the new moon, but it’s still a good time for judiciously bringing conflicts out into the open.

Shortly after the new moon, Pluto turns direct on October 10th and by November 19 will enter Aquarius. This represents a major transition in the collective from Capricorn, a top down, hierarchical world view to Aquarius, a center outward, more equilateral world view. This kind of change is slow, but make no mistake, change is coming.

NEW CLASS OFFERING: Have you been following my new astrological interest in Death Charts? I’m offering a six-week introductory class in January 2025. For more details and to register please email me.