It’s eclipse season and that means that life is about to become even more surprising, chaotic and exposing of our collective shadow. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? Starting with the full moon Lunar eclipse on March 14 in Pisces and Virgo and continuing through the Aries new moon Solar eclipse on March 29, this month promises to bring more turmoil.
Full moons tend to bring an intensity and emotionality to the two days before and after they happen. Often feelings run high and there is a tendency to feel triggered and reactive. Lunar eclipses amplify this tendency and act like a full moon on steroids. The March 14th eclipse finds the Sun, the symbol for consciousness, between two very different energies: Saturn and Neptune. Saturn represents a grounded, realistic, conservative energy while Neptune is more fluid, imaginative and expansive. Saturn, at its worst is depressive and anxious, while negative Neptune is illusive, confusing and deceptive. If you have planets between 18-29 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius, this full moon you may be feeling all the above. This is not permanent! Many clients tell me that by a week later they can’t remember why they were so upset.
While Lunar eclipses are time limited, Solar eclipses seem to become active two months before and up to 6-12 months after their actual date. Solar eclipses are often more external and associated with crisis and upheaval both personally and collectively. The sign Aries is associated with aggression, action, anger, leadership, and personal initiative. The eclipse on March 29, finds the Sun and Moon at 9 Aries, and within a conjunction to Mercury, the planet of communication. On a collective level this represents the fighting and alienation that is taking place between the current administration and many other national leaders. Unfortunately, in the next few coming months, things may get worse before they get better. If you have planets between 5-15 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn this eclipse is most likely to impact you.
Finally, Mercury turns retrograde on March 15, in Aries, retrogrades back into Pisces on March 31, and turns direct on April 7th. As usual you can expect communication, technological, and transportation snafus.
Wondering how these two eclipses will play out for you? Schedule a mid-year session!