Schedule An Appointment
Astrology clarifies our place in the universe; it reminds and connects us with an order that is greater than our own personal understanding. Visiting an astrologer is a commitment to self-knowledge and personal empowerment. Working with planets as symbols and systems of energy, we can discover deep transformative insights about who we are, how our life reflects that, and how to change. Astrology enhances our understanding of ourselves and our life experiences.
All astrological consultations depend on an accurate birth chart. Please send me your date of birth, city and state of birth, and most importantly an accurate birth time. Accurate birth times can be found on birth certificates, baby books, family bibles, or by contacting the Department of Vital Statistics for the county seat of the state where you were born. Once you have that information making an appointment goes more smoothly.
All appointments, except those indicated, are one hour in length.
If you are a new client, please be sure to fill out the New Client Information Form (in the “Your Information” section) before your appointment.
Please specify if you prefer a phone or Zoom session.
Our Death Chart readings are donation-based and are paid for outside our scheduling system. Please use the link below to make your income-based donation between $20-200 after you’ve scheduled your reading.
Pay for your Death Chart reading
Gift Certificate
Contact me via email to purchase a gift certificate.