Aquarius Season

A NEW MOON PROMOTION I’ve written a bit about Della becoming a second generation astrologer because I want you to get to know them, know their excellent work, and like most moms, I want to support my kid. (Della uses the pronouns they and them.) Two weeks ago they...

What’s Next?

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS On February 11th there will be a new moon or new beginning, in Aquarius with five additional planets close by, also in Aquarius, showing that we’re finally leaving the oppressive heaviness of Capricorn and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of the last...

2020 Presidential Election Decided!

If you’re anything like me you’ve been following the different presidential polls, reading about election disputes, realizing the complexity of counting the vote this year and wondering what will be happening. Mercury, the planet that rules all forms of...

The Blue Moon

Once Upon a Blue Moon I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling like something is coming and I don’t quite know what it is! In our Gregorian calendar it’s unusual to have two full moons fall in one month, but October 2020 is such a month. On...