Communication of all kinds takes center stage as two “mercury heavy” eclipses are in the wings, complicated by a three week long Mercury retrograde.

On May 26th, three days before Mercury turns retrograde there is a full moon eclipse featuring the Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius.  Lunar eclipses are associated with intense emotions and this one even more so as Gemini’s ruler Mercury will conjunct Venus and square Neptune suggesting confusion, illusions, and misunderstandings in personal relationships. Mercury retrograde amplifies this and happening in the sign it rules, makes for both technological mishaps as well miscommunication. People born under Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces are most likely to be affected by both eclipses and the retrograde.

The Solar Eclipse of June 10, is already in effect now, and builds in strength through the month of June, lasting until just past July 4th. The Sun, Moon and Mercury are all conjunct in Gemini making a square to Neptune (glamour, pretense, and disappointment). Solar Eclipses are seen in world events, and externalized in people’s lives. The raging Corona virus in India, ongoing violence in the middle east, social and political conflicts here in the US, all seem to escalate during eclipse season.
On the other hand Solar eclipses bring potential for new beginnings, and with Neptune, challenge us towards greater empathy, inclusion, and self-acceptance.