Gemini New Moon 6/17/2023

This New Moon in the late degrees of Gemini happens late Saturday night, 6/17/2023 setting the stage for the next two weeks. If you are a late Gemini, early Cancer, or have planets there, this impacts you more intensely.  Both luminaries conjunct Juno, while creating...

March New Moon and the Spring Equinox

This Thursday, March 21, 2023, we will experience spring in triplicate! Both the Sun, our conscious self, and Moon, our unconscious self, will be at zero Aries, symbolizing the equinox, which marks the first day of spring. With or without the weathers’ co-operation...

Aquarius New Moon

HAPPY NEW YEAR to each of you as we enter 2023 and experience the first New Moon on January 21st in the sign of Aquarius. This zodiac signs corresponds to the person who is an independent thinker, loves challenging the status quo, and works to live authentically....