October Newsletter

Today, the Sun and Moon are both in Scorpio, within eleven degrees of the nodal axis, signaling a Solar Eclipse. Both collectively and personally eclipses are known to shake things up, illuminate what’s been hidden, and initiate new beginnings. This New Moon Eclipse...

Happy Fall Equinox

On September 22, 2022 the Sun will move into Libra and daylight and darkness will be equal, starting Libra season. Two days later there will be a New Moon in Libra, and justice, equality, relationships and finding balance will be of major importance for the following...

Virgo New Moon

In the early morning hours of August 27 we will experience a New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is a sign of harvest, service, and striving for perfection. In modern astrology Virgo has been associated with “the virgin”, but an older and more inclusive symbol is the...