Portland’s Queer Astrology Conference

Portland’s Queer Astrology Conference

I’ve attended so many astrology conferences in my 40 years of practicing astrology that I’ve lost count, but never before have I attended a Queer Astrology conference. A number of months ago my daughter discovered the event online, and asked if I wanted to...
A Super Moon

A Super Moon

The full moon of 1/31/2018 is getting a lot of attention because the of the “Supermoon” effect.  That happens when the moon’s orbit around the Earth brings it closer to us than usual. The moon’s closest approach is called the “perigee,” and when that coincides...
A Death Chart Story

A Death Chart Story

Megan leaned forward and pulled another tissue from the box.  As she wiped her eyes a gust of cold air blew through the closed window of my office. “Feel that?” She said. “It’s Jerry’s ghost” she looked at me. “I feel him near me all the time.  Does the...
Why an Astrological Retreat?

Why an Astrological Retreat?

During the third week of October just as Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and expansion moved into Scorpio, the sign of transformation, I went to an astrological retreat just outside beautiful Zion park in Utah. Hosted by OPA, the Organization for Professional...
Don’t Wait! Study Astrology Now!

Don’t Wait! Study Astrology Now!

  “I’ve been taking your classes for five solid years, and recently passed the Level Two NCGR training.” Jane told me, brushing her long brown hair off her forehead. She was sitting across from me in my bright cozy office. “How do I know when I’m ready to do...